Wednesday, May 11, 2005

"Sleeping like a baby" is false advertising!

So my son is now afraid to sleep in his crib. Don't know why. Just started freaking out every time we put him in it. Talked to the pediatrician, he said to just let him cry. That sadistic bastard.

Sunday night my son cried for 2 HOURS & 10 MINUTES. I know this, because I spent the entire time crying myself and praying that he would stop. Monday it got a little better. He only cried for 50 minutes. But then he got up at the crack of dark.

Last night, my son decided to wake up at 11:30pm and cry for an hour, then he cried from 1:30 to 2:15am, and he got up at 2:30 and screamed bloody murder for another hour or so. It was my husband's turn to check on him, because according to the doc, "You can check to make sure the baby is okay, but you cannot pick him up." Obviously, this guy does not have kids....

The worst part of it all is that every time I go into the room to check on my son, he gets so upset and so excited that he vomits. It's so fun giving a baby a bath at 2am... So, now when I go to check on him, I have to sneak in so that he doesn't see me. It's TORTURE. I just want to pick him up, damnit! But the doctor assures us that he will grow out of this stage. WHATEVER!!!!!

Anyway, the baby went back to sleep last night around 2:15 and then woke up at 4:30am. I have to get up at 5, so that made for a really wonderful night of sleep. I feel so refreshed and fabulous today. Too bad Mel found me face down in my keyboard seven different times today....


Blogger Melanie was here said...

I totally thought you were praying! I'm telling you, a little whiskey in the bottle and the young master will sleep peacefully through the night!!! Or, soundproof his bedroom.

8:31 AM  
Blogger Ubermilf said...

My first baby "slept" like yours. And the baby books said, "After 3 months, the baby will sleep through the night." What a crock of crap.

Some babies just don't want to sleep, they don't want to be alone in their cribs, and they don't "cry themselves to sleep." My daughter, now 4, went 24 hours without sleeping at 6 months, and then finally slept through the night. She still resisted, and resists somewhat today.

My 2nd daughter slept through the night after 1 week home from the hospital and remains a good sleeper to this day at age 2.

There are no rules. You know more than the doctor. Do what YOUR instincts tell you.

10:38 AM  
Blogger Lo Lo Lova said...

Ubermilf: Thank you so much for the advice!! It really helps to know that I'm not crazy or a bad mother.

Today my husband is taking my son to the DR because last night he was tugging on his ear, and I'm thinking he may have an ear infection or he's teething. Or, if I'm lucky, both :)

11:21 AM  
Blogger Lo Lo Lova said...

Baby update: You will be happy to know there is no ear infection, but the DR detected blockage and gave my son some Amoxicillin. Now, I don't know if it was the medicine or the 4 straight nights of not sleeping, but last night my boy slept for 10 hours and only got up twice to cry for about 15 minutes each time. IT WAS FABULOUS! However, Mel, I'll keep your idea in the back of my mind :)

6:06 AM  

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