Dear Garfield, Odie Wants OUT!

Okay, so I've had this "best friend" since I was 17 - we're talking 17 years of friendship. She is a huge Garfield fan. I'm not. But anyway, we'll call her "Garfield" for obvious reasons.
So I posted about "Garfield" around Christmas time. She blew me off for months, and then when it was time to get gifts from me, she called and set up a time for us to get together and exchange. I wasn't going to do it, but I was feeling all in the Christmas Spirit and shit, so I agreed.
Well, we got together just after the first of the year and exchanged gifts. "Garfield" got stuff for me and the Boo Boo. I got stuff for her and her TWO kids. I sent "Garfield" a thank you card for my stuff and a thank you card to each of her kids from the Boo Boo. I got nothing back from her or her kids.
Then, I got some stupid Garfield email sent to me. I printed it off (she doesn't have email) and mailed it to her. I heard nothing from her.
Then, my husband's bday came and went. "Garfield" never sent him a card. This is my supposed BFF. No call, no card, no nothing. So I called her a few days afterwards and left her a vm asking how she was doing and mentioned how busy we had been celebrating hubby's bday and all. I heard nothing back from her.
Then, Valentines Day came. I sent VD cards to BOTH of her kids. I got nothing back from "Garfield" or her kids.
Then, St. Patrick's Day came. You know the drill.
Then, Easter came. You know the drill.
Then, "Garfield's" birthday came. I sent her a card. I called her on her birthday and left her a voicemail.
A few days later, "Garfield" called me back.
Okay, I'm not a friggin idiot. I KNOW SHE WANTS PRESENTS! 4 months come and go, and my so-called BFF does not maintain any contact with me. No calls, no letters, no cards, no nothing. But - hey - time for her to get presents and SUDDENLY she has the time to call me back?!?!
Well guess what? The joke's on her. BECAUSE THERE ARE NO PRESENTS. And you know what else? I'm not calling her back. At least not for 4 months, anyway!! I'm very busy, you see.
So, Garfield... Odie is done. I'm not stupid: After 17 short years, I've learned my lesson!!