The Best Show on Summer TV

So there is this new show on VH1 called "Rock of Love" with Brett Michaels, formerly of Poison. (or currently of Poison? I don't know). Anyway, it's a "Bachelor" rip-off of sorts, along the lines of "Flavor of Love" with Flava-Flave!
My man Brett has this house full of 21 skanks. I mean, we're talking strippers, exotic dancers, prositutes, and your basic hors. There are actually 2 hoes named Brandi - with an "I," a Krista, a Tawney, a Tiffany, and a Lacey, just to name a few. Each one is nastier than the next. Bleach-blonde, fake-and-baked, breast-implanted, venerial-disease-carrying, tattoed ho-bags.
So, at the end of the show, Brett has "back stage passes" to hand out to the girls he wants to take to the next round. He hands them the pass and asks the greatest, most romantic question a man could ever ask a woman: "Will you rock my world?"
Brett admittedly is looking for a skank who will let him phuck around, who will party with him and/or let him party with other hoes, and who won't tie him down. I really have no idea why he even has this show, but my guess is he will tap every ass on that set. EVERY SINGLE ONE.
One skank actually dry-humped the Brettster while he was trying to have a "meaningful" conversation with each pair of girls desperately wanting to get to know him better. (Yeah, cuz they're in it to find their true love, too.) One of the Brandis has this high-pitched whiney voice and she was all mad because Tiffany was dry-humping him when it was his time to talk to her and her BFF. So in order to get his attention, she borrowed someone else's bathing suit that was too small, and her boobs fell out. (I actually wanted to beat her to death with her implants because she was quite possibly the most annoying person I have ever seen in my life). So what I'm saying is that we're talking Emmy-nominated telivision, people!
Anywho, I think it airs Tuesdays at 9 on VH1. YOU MUST MUST MUST CHECK IT OUT. It is a phucking train wreck, and it is worth every delightful minute!! Enjoy :)
My life now has meaning.
Try the Discovery Channel
I now have plans for tonight.
I love watching ppl that will degrade themselves for money. Thats why I game shows.
Hey, I'm at a new address with a new name. Same me though!
Ubie, I feel the same way!
Dave, Discovery Channel is for sissies
Brookie, I hope you plan on this EVERY WEEK
Dave, this show is the hemorrhoid on the ass of life
Honk, then you'll love this show!
Yes indeed, in some moments I can say that I acquiesce in with you, but you may be inasmuch as other options.
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