Wednesday, April 04, 2007
Linkin' Blogs
- Marvelous Melanie (The Superhero)
- Ubergood Ubermilf (The Creative Cook & More!)
- Jolly-Good John (The Hillarious Poop Guy)
- Notorious Nick (The Trojan Man)
- Captain Beefheart (Oh Captain, My Captain)
- Bodacious Brooke (Hot Bikini Babe)
- Superb Sgt. (The Mmmmm Beer Guy)
- Hillarious Honkeie (Just Read It!)
- Gnarly Nancy (Darn Good Stuff)
I am confused. Potpourri is pleasant. Asshace is not.
Open? Close? Popourri? Assface?
I can't handle this.
I saw The Office last week. I knew Dwight would be a hero.
This was at a local hardware store my my house. I thought it hilarious since they said they were both OPEN AND CLOSED.
Potpourri Assface is a term my husband coined. It's a long story... but basically my friend is pregnant with #3 and everyone is giving her advice about what to name the baby. Her other 2 kids have very tradidional names. Everyone was picking what they thought were "original" names. But I said they weren't really original since other people had them. What they should name the baby is something no one else has ever been named in the history of the world. And my husband said, "They should name the baby Potpourri Assface. That's original!"
Needless to say, I did not tell my friend to name her baby Assface...
Oh, and as far as Dwight K. Schrute is concerned, he's not a hero. He does not wear a cape and fight crime and kill people. Duh!
"I hate Toby. He's like the worst person on Earth."
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