Thursday, September 29, 2005

More things that piss me off

1) People who leave their children with creepy-ass mo-fo's like this guy: (sorry, don't know how to link) and don't realize he's a freaking wacko. Then, their children get raped and/or murdered. The dude was a "self-professed pagan friar" who ran a school from his apartment. You don't find that odd?

2) People who abuse their children, their significant others/spouses/boyfriends/girlfriends, or their pets. Whether the abuse be physical, verbal, emotional, sexual, or otherwise. Anyone who does this sort of thing - who preys on someone weaker than themselves - they are a worthless sorry-ass excuses for human beings. To all of those abusers out there: You're the load your mother should have swallowed!

3) People who use guilt as a way to hurt others or to make them feel constantly guilty. And the funny thing is, most of the people who do this (at least to me) are Christians/Catholics. Isn't that ironic? I mean, I'm sure back in the day that's the tactic Jesus employed. "Oh, Thomas, you doubt me? I died on the cross for you, Man! Why don't you just stab me in the heart already? Fine. No, really, it's fine. I'll be okay. I just believed in you your whole life and gave up a bunch of stuff for you. But, you know, whatever. It's cool."

4) People who are ignorant. You know, it's too bad closed minds don't come with closed mouths. I'm so sick and tired of people making ignorant, stupid, or racist comments. Enough already! We get it, you're an ignorant asshole. Here's an idea: How about picking up a book, reading the paper, or watching the news? Maybe you could learn something before you open your freaking pie hole and offend yet another person. LEARN SOMETHING... like the blissful peace of silence.

5) People who live by the philosophy "the squeaky wheel gets the oil." You know this jerk. They're the one who complains at restaurants, stores, or in your office. And they complain so much that you - the person who has patiently been waiting their turn - gets phucked because this SOB gets taken care of first. People just want to shut them up so much that everyone else gets the shaft. And then this phucker gets free stuff, the best service, their ass kissed, a raise, etc, while you sit idly by. Why not just bend over? Cuz this asshole is gonna screw you!

6) People who are rude. Why is it so hard to say "please" or "thank you"? I don't get it. It's common courtesy. Don't be a dick. If someone offers you assistance, does something nice, etc, say thanks. And if you need something, say please first. For crying out loud, my 14 month old is learning these basic fundamentals. Why can't adults?

7) People who don't bathe on a regular basis and who don't clean their clothes. You know who you are. The people who smell like dirty hair, ass, and B.O. The people who have messy hair and dirty faces. The people who have the same stains in the same spots on the same nasty clothes. We know you don't clean them. Stop saying you took them to the Dry Cleaner. YOU LIE! Take a freaking shower. At least every other day. And do a freakin load of laundry once in a while!! GOD!

8) People who put others down in an attempt to make themselves feel better. You know this jerk-off. They wear better clothes, drive a fancier car, have a more expensive house, and think they're better than you. So they have to poo-poo your house, your car, your un-designer clothes, etc. They look down their noses at you. And for what reason? Because you were born with money or married into it? How about sharing that wealth - giving a little back? You know, making a donation once in a while. Helping the less-fortunate instead of making fun of them. You people make me sick!

9) People who are hypocrites. For instance, the people who are anti-abortion but then MURDER a doctor who performs them. Uh, hello? You don't see this as wrong??? Or how about the people who make comments about the unwed girl who got pregnant - and yet they're having "pre-marital" sex, too, but just didn't happen to get "knocked-up." Or the people who pick on fat people, but have never exercised a day in their life or never watched what they eat. They've just been "blessed" with a fast metabolism, and I haven't. And then there's the people who say they're Christian and then persecute homosexuals. Yes, I'm pretty sure that's what Jesus meant when he said "Love your neighbor as yourself." It loosely translates to - you can love anyone who is white, Catholic, middle-class, and straight. But to hell with everyone else! Ah yes, the Golden Rule...

And finally, the last thing that pisses me off:

10) George Bush!!


Blogger Melanie was here said...

First beyotch.
I'm with ya sister. However, I would like it noted for the record that the only reason I didn't shower today is that I had no electricity and had no way of drying my hair and I promise I will shower tonight when I get home from work and I have clean underwear on and clean clothes and I washed my face and brushed my teeth and cleaned up in the sink.

6:41 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ewe... Mel, you should've called me.. i would've let you stop over to dry your hair... That is why god invented ponytails! lol.. I'm just kidding... I agree with you... people like that are just morons... It's one of the many things that is wrong with this world!

7:09 AM  
Blogger Hip Girl said...

I totally agree, now how do we pass that around?

7:17 AM  
Blogger honkeie said...

There is much to be said about anger towards the stoopid. But it is as if they cannt help it. I would now not to leave my kids with a pagan fiar but stoopid ppl wouldnt, I am always polite and wait my turn stoopid ppl have no concept of this, soap is a four letter word to the mentally handicraped, and stoopid ppl have no concept of any of the other things mentioned in your post.
-I would engauge in a battle of the wits but I would never fight an unarmed person-

7:45 AM  
Blogger Ubermilf said...

Anger leads to the dark side.

Try using Jedi mind tricks: "Your mouth will be shut now. You will go home and take a shower and launder your clothing. You will read a book."

I don't know what to say about the pagan friar (how does that work exactly?).

Someone should rub your feet while you have cookies and tea. Relax.

9:06 AM  
Blogger Lo Lo Lova said...

Melanie, did you read what I said?? It does not apply to you. DUH! I said, "People who don't bathe on a REGULAR BASIS"

Hip Girl: Welcome to my blog! You can always copy, paste and forward baby!

Honk: the unarmed comment is hillarious!

Ubie: I'm better now. I was having a bad morning :)

9:19 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hip Girl rocks.. That's my best friend... We went yesterday for the Make overs!

9:29 AM  
Blogger Ubermilf said...

What is a pagan friar, anyway?

1:14 PM  
Blogger GingerSnaps said...

pagan teacher ubie.

not all pagans are bad. it is a religion based on the elements instead of one god.

but some take it too far i.e. sacrificing, blood rituals ect.

lolo, i hate people with b.o. take a frickin shower you slob~!

and people that dont wash their hands after using the potty!!!! worst pet peave ever! that is how hepetitis gets spread around people!!1

6:12 PM  
Blogger Lo Lo Lova said...


1 : HEATHEN 1; especially : a follower of a polytheistic religion (as in ancient Rome)
2 : one who has little or no religion and who delights in sensual pleasures and material goods : an irreligious or hedonistic person

Etymology: Middle English frere, fryer, from Old French frere, literally, brother, from Latin fratr-, frater -- more at BROTHER
: a member of a mendicant order



I hate it when people don't wash their hands after potty time. YUCKY!

7:07 AM  
Blogger laura said...

i've fallen about 10,000 times in my life. i've never broken anything, but i've gotten some bruises that should probably go into the guiness book of world records for size. always good to meet a fellow clutz. :)

2:13 PM  

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