Friday, September 01, 2006
Linkin' Blogs
- Marvelous Melanie (The Superhero)
- Ubergood Ubermilf (The Creative Cook & More!)
- Jolly-Good John (The Hillarious Poop Guy)
- Notorious Nick (The Trojan Man)
- Captain Beefheart (Oh Captain, My Captain)
- Bodacious Brooke (Hot Bikini Babe)
- Superb Sgt. (The Mmmmm Beer Guy)
- Hillarious Honkeie (Just Read It!)
- Gnarly Nancy (Darn Good Stuff)
That used to hang in my wall here at my desk!
oh get over it.
Casper - wish I could hang it up here!
Sans - welcome to my blog!! You look chilly. Can I get you a sweater?
Brookie - thank you, Sweetness!.
Ubie - you most certainly do not need one.
Ladies: Let's all bitch slap No More Drama.
Who is no more drama? I think it's Nick in drag.
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